From the Mountains of Lebanon
to the Colorado Rockies
The Story of Saint Rafka Maronite Catholic Church
in Lakewood (Denver)
The history of St. Rafka Maronite Catholic Church of Denver originated back in the 1960's, when many Maronite immigrants from Lebanon and other Middle Eastern countries settled in cities across the US, including Denver.
Initially, The Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon would fly in a Maronite Priest once a month to say mass, during which time St. Rafka was a Mission. These monthly masses were a catalyst for unity among the growing population of Maronite families and many others who eventually joined the Church.
Monthly masses sponsored by gracious local Catholic Churches progressed to Sunday evening divine liturgy at All Souls Catholic Church in the 1990's. The Eparchy sent Father Armando Al-Khoury as a resident priest. All Souls graciously provided Fr. Armando with residence at their rectory. The community at St. Rafka community will remain eternally grateful for the generosity of All Souls, as they were an essential in providing a place of worship and gathering as the search for a permanent church was underway.
It is important to note that St. Rafka also had numerous temporarily assigned clergy who helped shape the community & church over time. Please see our list of Benefactors for details.
In 2005, the founding members, committed to transforming the "Mission" into a "Parish", found an existing Church for sale. Through the Grace of God, the property was purchased, and St. Rafka Maronite Catholic Church was born. In the years since, St. Rafka has grown and evolved into a flourishing and faithful community of dedicated parishioners. Besides weekly masses, the church offers many sacramental rituals such as baptism, marriage, first communion, confirmation, and penance. There are also many special events throughout the year, especially the annual September festival- a universal favorite!
Today, St. Rafka Maronite Church is thriving and truly blessed. Permanent full-time Pastor, Father El-Badaoui Habib has been working relentlessly toward the growth of the community and the spiritual needs of parishioners. Decades of diligence and unwavering faith by many of the founding members have paved the way for a bright future for generations to come, preserving our heritage and faith.
(Written by Dan Ashkar)
The altar was handmade by Dr. Paul Conkling with support from Mrs. Zafira Joseph+ (of Birmingham, AL).
The Lecterns were made by Mr. Elie Homsi.
Dedicated by Bishop Robert J. Shaheen+ of blessed memory May 2012.