Scripture Study Fridays
to Dec 26

Scripture Study Fridays

Abouna Habib is leading a Scripture Study every other Friday evening in the hall after the 6:30 pm Divine Liturgy (start time for the study is around 7 pm). Bring your Bible and something to add to the potluck meal. Anthony Hamamji is the organizer, and he invites all to attend. If you have any questions, please contact Anthony at 508-654-3734, or call Abouna Habib.

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The Season of Great Lent
to Apr 18

The Season of Great Lent

Lenten Observances:

Abstinence: All Maronites who are physically capable are to abstain from meat on Ash Monday and all Fridays of Lent.

Fasting: Ash Monday and Great Friday of the Crucifixion are also days of fasting. Fasting in the Maronite Church involves eating and drinking nothing at all (except water and medicine) from midnight until noon. The rest of the day normal meals can be taken, but without meat. All Maronites who are physically capable should fast on these two days.

Ash Monday: Mass and Ashes at 8 am and 6:30 pm. Ashes will also be distributed on Wednesday after the 6 pm Mass.

Every Friday during Lent: Mass at 6:00 pm followed by Stations of the Cross.

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St. Rafka Feast Day Celebration

St. Rafka Feast Day Celebration

Saint Rafka Feast Day is Sunday March 23, 2025, let's celebrate as her Parish Family by coming together at the church hall after Divine Liturgy for a Meal, Friendship, Raffles, Bingo Games, and Music.

Adult Tickets are $35 per person. Kids 6-13 are $15 and under 5 are free.

NOTE: RSVP by Monday 3/17 and SAVE $10/Adult! Click here to RSVP:

We will be serving a catered Hot Lunch Buffet, Desserts and Coffee/Tea/Soft Drinks.  

Please bring your own Wine and Beer if you would like to have drinks.

Click here to help on preparation day Saturday March 22nd:

Click here to volunteer for event day Sunday March 23rd:

God Bless you all and Happy Saint Rafka Feast Day!

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MYA Denver Nuggets vs Chicago Bulls game

MYA Denver Nuggets vs Chicago Bulls game

St. Rafka’s MYA will be hosting a church wide event to go watch the Denver Nuggets vs Chicago Bulls game Monday March 24, 2025 at 7pm. Tickets $34 per person with a third of the proceeds going towards St. Rafka’s MYA group. Tickets include seats and group access to court side team warm ups. Please fill out request form before Monday February 17 to secure the event. Any questions, please reach out to Andrew Dawood 303-238-4540. Here is the link:

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Retreat in the Rockies

Retreat in the Rockies

Save the date for our annual spiritual retreat in the mountains!

Sunday August 31, 2025 at 11am.

Staunton State Park (near Conifer).

Fr. Habib will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at 11am, followed by a barbecue picnic lunch.

Bring your whole family!

More details to come.

Questions? Please contact Dan Ashkar at

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MYA fundraiser: Fresh from the Oven

MYA fundraiser: Fresh from the Oven

The Saint Rafka Maronite Young Adults group (MYA) will be hosting their first fundraiser with FRESH FROM THE OVEN favorites: Zaatar, Cheese, and Meat Pies made on the outdoor oven on SUNDAY March 2nd, 2025 following the Divine Liturgy.

~*~ Please Respond by Wednesday 2/26! ~*~ Click here: Fresh from the Oven

We will be making pies immediately following the Mass, and serving outside in the church gardens. Let us know your preference of pies so we have enough for everyone!

All Pies are $6 each - Choose from: 'ZAATAR' or 'CHEESE BLEND' or 'ZAATAR & CHEESE' or 'MEAT' (Laham b’ajeen) or 'PIZZA' (Cheese & Marinara). Pies ordered after 2/26 will be $8.

St. Rafka's MYA is on a "roll" (pun intended) and needs your help to make their first fundraiser a success! Sign up here to help volunteer:

God Bless you and thank you for supporting the MYA at St. Rafka.

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Christmas Party

Christmas Party


Calling on all the kids and youth in our Saint Rafka community. Join us December 15 for Saint Rafka's yearly recital: Singing, reciting, rejoicing and celebrating Christmas with friends and family. Santa won't miss it so you shouldn't either! Youth: If you need volunteering hours, join us—we can use your help. If you're talented with a musical instrument, we'd love to have you with us. If you're interested, please call/text Diala (316) 213-7216 or Bernadette (814) 441-2981. We will have 3 practices at church; Nov. 17 @12pm, Dec. 8 @12pm, and Dec. 14 (time tbd + a surprise!!!)

THEN JOIN US in the church hall for our Annual Christmas Lunch!!!

Please RSVP to the Annual Christmas Lunch by Dec. 8th!

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Ladies Society Bake Sale
to Dec 8

Ladies Society Bake Sale

  • December 7, 2024 at 10:30am Baking, packaging, labeling and pricing. Please sign up to help!

  • December 8, 2024 Please sign up to help run a booth at St. Elias Christmas Bazaar!

  • Please RSVP to the Bake/Craft Sale at St. Elias Christmas Bazaar! St. Rafka will have 2 tables at the Christmas Bazaar held at St. Elias Church.

Evite: Online Invitations, Greeting Cards & Party Ideas

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Friendsgiving Dinner Party

Friendsgiving Dinner Party

The Ladies’ Society is sponsoring a party for Thanksgiving. It will be Saturday, November 23 at 7 pm. Dinner, drinks, and dessert will be provided. There will be Bingo for $5, or just bring your cards. Adults—$25, Children 5 and up $15. Call Carla Beaini at (720) 291-9786 or Gisele at (303) 960-8646.

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1st Holy Communion

1st Holy Communion

Congratulations to all our candidates receiving their First Holy Communion!

A parish brunch will follow the Divine Liturgy in the hall.

Happy Mother’s Day to all our mothers!

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St. Rafka Annual Hafli
to Apr 7

St. Rafka Annual Hafli

Save the dates!

  • Saturday April 6, 2024 at 6pm

    St. Rafka’s annual party with special guest Bishop Elias A. Zaidan, Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon, Los Angeles.

    Buffet, Cash Bar, DJ, Raffle

    18 and up $100

    Location: Queen of Peace Catholic Church 13120 East Kentucky Ave. Aurora, CO 80012

    RSVP to Carla Beaini at 720-291-9786 or click here.

    Tickets may be purchased through Zelle 724-912-8840

  • Sunday April 7, 2024 at 11am

    Divine Mysteries celebrated by Bishop Elias A. Zaidan.

    Location: St. Rafka Maronite Church 2301 Wadsworth Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80214

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Resurrection Sunday

Resurrection Sunday

The Glorious Resurrection

Messih qam! Christ is risen!

Following 11am Divine Liturgy, there will be a children’s outdoor Easter Egg Hunt, weather permitting.

BYOB (bring your own basket!)

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Men’s Society Fish Fry

Men’s Society Fish Fry

Great Friday of the Crucifixion (Friday of the Passion)

10am Stations of the Cross, Signing of the Chalice (Mass of the Sanctified with communion).

6:30pm Burial of Christ

Following Divine Liturgy, the men’s society will have their annual fish fry in the hall.

$20 per person 12 years and above.

$5 under 12 years old.

Please RSVP to Joe Beaini 303-907-7782.

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Holy Week Schedule
to Mar 30

Holy Week Schedule

  • Monday March 25 Rite of the Arrival to the Safe Harbor, 6:30pm

  • Tuesday March 26 5:30pm confessions, 6:30pm Divine Liturgy

  • Wednesday March 27 Rite of the Lamp, Annointment of the Sick 6:30pm

  • Thursday of the Mysteries March 28, 6:30pm Washing of the Feet, followed by adoration until midnight.

  • Great Friday of the Crucifixion March 29, 10am Stations of the Cross and Signing of the Chalice; 6:30pm Burial of Christ followed by fish fry dinner.

  • Great Saturday of the Light March 30, 5:30pm Easter Vigil mass

  • The Glorious Resurrection Sunday March 31, 11 am Divine Liturgy, followed by Children’s Easter Egg Hunt.

  • White Week, Easter Monday April 1, 6:30pm Divine Liturgy

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Lenten Observances
to Mar 30

Lenten Observances

Ash Monday February 12 Liturgy 6:30pm, distribution of ashes to follow.

Wednesday February 14 Liturgy 6:30pm, distribution of ashes to follow.

All Fridays during Lent, Liturgy 5:50pm followed by Stations of the Cross.

The Pillars of Lent: Fasting, Almsgiving, Prayer.

Abstinence: All Maronites who are physically capable are to abstain from meat on Ash Monday and all Fridays of Lent.

Fasting: Ash Monday and Great Friday of the Crucifixion are days of fasting. In the Maronite church, fasting involves eating and drinking nothing at all (with the exception of water and medication) from midnight until noon. The rest of the day, normal meals are accepted without meat.

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